“What I long to see in the world around me today is more of the “changeless basic material” used by all truly brave artists: the changeless basic material of passion. This is why it was so thrilling to see Jane Comfort and Company at the Joyce Theater last week.”
– The New York Times

“I’ve been rushing about to plays, concerts, dance, and last week, I saw art–ART–at Jacob’s Pillow with Jane Comfort and Company.”
– The Berkshire Eagle
“The guiding spirits behind the theater of mixed forms are often choreographers. Theatrical directors may not be able to choreograph, but a dance-trained artist is used to conceiving the integration of movement with rhythm: the rhythm of music and even words, spoken or sung. That is what Jane Comfort, one of the most fertile minds in this genre, has realized so effectively.”
– The New York Times
“Few of Comfort’s peers who are into dance drama have her gift for melding singing, vocalizing, speech and movement into an inseparable whole…Words, music and movement seethe together; united, their rhythms whirl the morsels of meaning into life stories.”
The Village Voice
“Comfort has now developed a seamless choreographic style which easily bridges the integration of text with movement, acting, and song. She is without equal in this area.”
International Dictionary of Modern Dance
“Jane Comfort stretches the limits of what is customarily meant by dance or drama to achieve a truly new form.”
The Washington Post
“Jane Comfort is one of the most original choreographers on the downtown scene.”
The Village Voice
“Jane Comfort, (is) a choreographer who’s tackled political issues with passion and mordant wit…Aided by her splendid colleagues, Comfort stitches her disparate materials together with almost faultless theatrical skill.”
The Village Voice
All content © Jane Comfort & Company. All rights reserved. | Photographs by Arthur Elgort, unless noted otherwise | Site design by AB